
Welcome to my QUIZ downloads page. Just click on any of the links to download the quiz.

All quizzes are free of charge but if you’d like to make a small donation to help with the upkeep of the site then please feel free. Use the DONATE buttton on the right of the page.

This section includes all the quizzes from the Felixstowe Music Quiz which has been running annually since 2018 as well as some “themed” quizzes I’ve put together for various people. there’s also some sports quizzes and from Sports Quiz 2 these are all the quizzes from the Felixstowe Sports Quiz which started in April 2023 and hopefully will become as big as the music quiz.

Music Quizzes

Music Quiz 1.zipMusic Quiz 2.zipMusic Quiz 3.zipMusic Quiz 4.zipMusic Quiz 5.zip

Almost £6,000 raised for charity staging these Felixstowe Music quizzes

Various Quizzes

80’s Quiz.zipChristmas Quiz – Multi Pack.zipComedy Quiz.zipEast Anglian Football.zipGavin & Stacey.zip

Sports Quizzes

Sports Quiz 1.zipSports Quiz 2.zipSports Quiz 3.zip

In March 2023 I took over the running of the monthly quiz at The Grosvenor public house in Felixstowe. These quizzes are normally the first Wednesday of each month.

Grosvenor Quizzes

Find all the quizzes and more via THE LINK

These “pub quizzes” are quizzes I’ve run either via Zoom during covid or at various places in Felixstowe over a lot of years including:- Chuffers, Dexter’s, The Mariners, The Felix, The Bowls Club and The Labour Club.

Pub Quizzes 1

Quiz 1.zipQuiz 2.zipQuiz 3.zipQuiz 4.zipQuiz 5.zipQuiz 6.zipQuiz 7.zipQuiz 8.zipQuiz 9.zipQuiz 10.zip

Pub Quizzes 2

Quiz 11.zipQuiz 12.zipQuiz 13.zipQuiz 14.zipQuiz 15.zipQuiz 16.zipQuiz 17.zipQuiz 18.zipQuiz 19.zipQuiz 20.zip

Pub Quizzes 3

Quiz 21.zipQuiz 22.zipQuiz 23.zipQuiz 24.zipQuiz 25.zipQuiz 26.zipQuiz 27.zipQuiz 28.zipQuiz 29.zipQuiz 30.zip

Pub Quizzes 4


Football Excell Quizzes

1990s Footballers.xlsxBritish Football Stadiums.xlsxEnglish Premier League Managers.xlsxEuropean Nations.xlsxFootball Statues.xlsxNon League.xlsxScottish Football Clubs.xlsxWho Did I Play For.xlsx

Music Excel Quizzes

Bands of the 80s.xlsxBoybands.xlsxBritpop.xlsxGirlgroups.xlsxRappers Delight.xlsxRock and Metal.xlsx

Other Sport

Cricket.xlsRugby Union.xlsTennis.xlsUS Sport Teams.xlsWrestlers.xls

TV and Film Excel Quizzes

Cartoons.xlsxEastEnders.xlsxGameshows.xlsxMasters of the Universe.xlsxSimpsons Guests.xlsxSitcoms.xlsxWatching The Detectives.xlsx

Other Stuff Excel Quizzes

Amiga.xlsxBoobs.xlsxCapital Cities.xlsxCar Brands.xlsxDeath 2016.xlsxDeath 2017.xlsxEyes.xlsxMaps.xlsxNumbers and Letters (MENSA).xlsx