The comic strip “Johnny Cougar,” featured in the Tiger comic from 1963 to 1985 and centered around a somewhat stereotypical Native American character who was a member of the Seminole tribe. The character, named after the strip itself, made a living as a professional wrestler and was known for skipping prepositions and articles in the way Tonto traditionally did.

As time passed, his wrestling matches became increasingly outlandish and unlikely. Johnny Cougar was often accompanied by Splash Gorton, a beatnik swimmer.

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Vol 1: Tiger 1962 to 1966
Vol 2: Tiger 1967 to 1968
Vol 3: Tiger 1969 to 1971
Vol 4: Tiger 1972 to 1974
Vol 5: Tiger 1975 to 1978
Vol 6: Tiger 1979 to 1983
Vol 7: Tiger Annuals and Specials

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