Roy of the Rovers is a British comic strip following the story of a fictional footballer and...
Big Stories
Stories from British comics that ran for years
Skid Solo (can anyone remember his real name?), was a daring racing driver known for his thrilling...
The tale revolves around teenager Tommy Barnes, who dreams of becoming a professional football player but is...
“The Thirteenth Floor” strip first appeared in the weekly anthology Scream! on March 24, 1984, and ran...
Nipper Lawrence, a struggling young footballer, was determined to make it big with Blackport Rovers to clear...
Kevin “Mighty” Mouse made his debut in the Roy of the Rovers comic in June 1979 as...
Anyone want to write a synopsis? Once you select which PDF to read if you click on...
The comic strip “Johnny Cougar,” featured in the Tiger comic from 1963 to 1985 and centered around...
Johnny Dexter was a well-known fictional footballer character in the British comic, Roy of the Rovers, during...
About a lower division side called Thatchem United. All players had to be Robinson family members under...